various locations, San Francisco
SFWF07 was the thesis exhibition for students of California College of the Art's MA program in Curatorial Practice. The project investigated worlds fairs as exhibition forms and also as markers of cultural progress. Responding to the city's new light rail that proposed to connect previously underserved neighborhoods to San Francisco's urban core while ushering in a wave of redevelopment and possible gentrification, the Fair was a weekend of events and projects that questioned notions of capital, commerce, transportation, community. Eleven artists were invited to present site-specific along the Third Street corridor.
Artists: Kyu Che, Daniel Cheek, Kevin Epps, Amy Franceschini, Pablo Helguera, Natalie Jeremijenko, Neighborhood Public Radio, Poppa Neutrino, William Pope.L, William Scott, Sergio De La Torre and Vicky Funari.